I am just a normal dude who likes to draw, game, make videos for Youtube, and use Newgrounds.

Age 27, Male



Joined on 2/24/10

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Art Plans for the future + Commissions Open!

Posted by coolTYLERXXX - 1 month ago

Hey there people. It's been some time, and I wanted to make a little post and give an update.

The Ghost Collab has concluded and has been released! There is more to come, but you can check out what is available here: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/creeperforce24/cf24-s-ghost-collab

Unfortunately, I missed Pico Day 2024. Sad. But. I still plan to make a piece, and it'll be saved for next year and upload it then. This way, I can take my time and hopefully craft up a high-place winner! Now though, let's get on with addressing the main subjects.

My art plans for the future, are that I want to continue participating in collabs here. At this point, I might sound like a broken record; but I do love working on users collaboration projects, and seeing all of the work come together. It is fascinating and inspiring. I am going to be doing my best to try and find collabs that are new/current. All collaborations that I have been apart of, I joined in the tail-end of the project. I want to see what I can come up with when I have more time, and am not under a time-crunch. Not only do I believe this can help me produce higher quality work, but it will also help me feel less pressure to rush.

I now also wanted to alert anyone reading, along with my fans/followers of something great. I wanted to announce that I am taking commissions!

I want to start doing this so that I can both provide people with great art, and make a little side money. Times are tight right now, and the economy isn't fun. (As allot of adults in the current year know) So, if you are interested in getting some personalized art, feel free to email me or send me DM here in Newgrounds. We can discuss all the details there.

Business Email: orangepixeljuice@gmail.com

I also just wanted to let you know, I also have a Youtube Page! I make videos that mainly pertain to gaming and art. Both in video and live-streaming format! If you are interested, you can check that out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNSKDhT3r-6DaESIWU1cOrg

That is all for now, I will let you all know when I am working on a new project or collab. Until next time, peace out.



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